Curriculum Vitae
Download FULL Curriculum (pdf), Updated May 14, 2024
ASN -- National Scientific Qualification (art.16 of the law 30 Dec. 2010, n.240) | |
Discipline 04/A4: Geophysics Role: Associate Professor. | |
Scientific qualification awarded to scholars holding the requisites to function as associate or full professor in Italian Universities | |
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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) | |
Date | March 11, 2011 |
Dissertation | Complete waveform Inversion Approach To seismic surface waves and adjoint active surfaces |
Evaluation | Excellent |
Institute | University of Ferrara (Italy) |
Master Degree in Physics (Spec. Nuclear and Sub-nuclear Physics) | |
Date | July 14, 2006 |
Evaluation | 105/110 |
Institute | University of Ferrara (Italy) |
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September 2023 - Present | |
Posizione | Associate Professor of Applied Geophysics |
Affiliazione | University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti and Pescara, Italy |
May 2017 - June 2023 | |
Position | Research Scientist II |
Affiliation | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia USA |
October 2016 - April 2017 | |
Position | Postdoc Researcher |
Affiliation | University of Ferrara (Italy), Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences |
Research topic | Development of mathematical methods and algorithms for the 2D and 3D modeling and inversion of elastic surface waves |
September 2014 - July 2016 | |
Position | Postdoc Researcher |
Affiliation | University of Ferrara (Italy), Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences |
Research topic | Development of mathematical methods and algorithms for the 2D and 3D modeling and inversion of elastic surface waves |
March 2014 - August 2014 | |
Position | Post Doctoral Fellow |
Affiliation | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia USA |
February 2011 - February 2014 | |
Position | Postdoctoral Researcher |
Affiliation | University of Ferrara (Italy), Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences |
Research topic | Development of mathematical methods and algorithms for the 2D and 3D modeling and inversion of elastic surface waves |
January 2010 - July 2010 | |
Position | Research Scholar (visiting) |
Host | Georgia Institute of Technology (USA). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) |
March 2009 - August 2009 | |
Position | Short-Term Scholar (visiting) |
Host | Georgia Institute of Technology (USA). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) |
January 2008 - December 2010 | |
Position | Ph. D. Student |
Affiliation | University of Ferrara (Italy), Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences |
May 2007 - October 2007 | |
Position | Research fellowship for Ms. graduates in Physics |
Affiliation | University of Ferrara (Italy) Joint position: Department of Earth Sciences and Department of computer Sciences (Italy) University of Ferrara (Italy). |
Research topic | Development of elaboration algorithms of electric and acoustic tomography for the Hydro-Geology |
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2017 | November 18-30. Activity: Unconventional data processing surface waves at a test site.
Client: Future in Research Consortium (Ferrara, Italy). |
2016 | August 2016 – September 2016. Activity: Construction of subsurface models for the production of seismic shaking scenarios in the
area of the upper Ferrarese.
Client: Future in Research Consortium (Ferrara, Italy). |
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2018 | Intellectual property (sole holder) of the “OpenHVSR - Processing Toolkit” software. Published as OPEN-SOURCE, License: GNU General Public License v3.0. |
2016 | Intellectual property (sole holder) of the “OpenHVSR - Inversion” software. Published as OPEN-SOURCE, License: GNU General Public License v3.0. |
2014 | Patent: Method for the evaluation of the mechanical properties of soil. S. Bignardi, F. Fischangher, D. Gualerzi, G. Morelli, A. Occhi, M. Occhi, M. Russo, G. Santarato. Application PD2014A000001(IT) submitted on January 3, 2014. Patent granted on March 29, 2016 with code 0001421631 (UIBM). |
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2016 | Invited speaker at the 29Th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2016). March 20-24, Denver CO, USA. Section: The best of the Near Surface 2015 |
2015 | Best paper at “Near Surface Geoscience 2015 - 21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics”. September 6-10. Turin (Italy). |
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2018; Dec. 5 |
(Invited speaker) Department of Earth Sciences - Western University, London, Canada. Title: Integrated geophysical methods as low cost and efficient investigation tool at different scales. |
2018; Nov. 29 |
(Invited speaker) Geoscience Seminar Series, Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Center (OCGC) in conjunction with the Geological Survey of Canada’s Logan Club (NRCAN), Ottawa, Canada. Title: Integrated geophysical methods as low cost and efficient investigation tool at different scales (Part 1). The Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio technique (HVSR): status of the art, limitations, exploring its true potential (Part 2). |
2017; Sept. 29 |
(Invited speaker) CSIP/CeGP Seminar at the Georgia institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA). Title: Non-invasive investigation techniques: The contribution of geophysics to engineering. |
2009; Sept. 9 |
Geotechnical Seminars at the Georgia institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. Title: Surface Wave Dispersion in Laterally Heterogeneous Media. |
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Classes | |
2021 | Instructor: (Master Degree) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Course ECE6560: “Advanced Computer Vision & Image Processing using PDEs and Active Contours”, Spring 2021, January - May 2021. |
2017 | Professional upgrading course: Beyond the Vs30 for seismic microzonation - the combined use of active and passive seismic. Organized by IND.A.G.O. snc. (Italy). |
2016/17 | Instructor: (Master Degree): Support to the class activity for the course of Applied Geophysics (GEO/11). Theory and field application of geophysical methods. University of Ferrara (Italy), Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences |
2015/16 | Instructor: (Master Degree): Support to the class activity for the course of Applied Geophysics (GEO/11). Theory and field application of geophysical methods. University of Ferrara (Italy), Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences |
2013/14 | Instructor: (Master Degree): Support to the class activity for the course of Applied Geophysics (GEO/11). Theory and field application of geophysical methods. University of Ferrara (Italy), Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences |
2012/13 | Instructor: (Master Degree): Support to the class activity for the course of Applied Geophysics (GEO/11). Theory and field application of geophysical methods. University of Ferrara (Italy), Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences |
2007 | Math Teacher, High School level. Istituto di Istruzione Superiore C. Colombo, Adria (RO), Italy. |
Students Mentoring | |
2017 | Thesis co-advisor for M.S. degree (official). Master Degree program in Geological Sciences, Georesources and Territory. University of Ferrara (Italy). Title: Contributing to the seismic subsurface characterization in the urban area of Ferrara (Italy). (In talian). |
2016 | Thesis co-advisor for M.S. degree (official). Master Degree program in Geological Sciences, University of Ferrara (Italy). Title: The contribution of innovating geophysical methodologies for the reconstruction of the geological subsurface model for seismic induced liquefaction risk assessment: the case of the Crevalcore town hall (Bologna, Italy) (In Italian). |
2015 | M.S. Thesis supervision and scientific counseling. Master Degree program in Geology, University of Ferrara (Italy), in collaboration with ENI. Title: The Ferrara-Casaglia Ridge: seismo-stratigraphic interpretation and reconstruction of the 3D subsurface model in the structural framework of the north-eastern Ferrara arc (In Italian). |
2015 | Scientific counseling. Doctoral program in sciences and technologies for archaeology and cultural heritage. University of Ferrara (Italy). Title: Interdisciplinary three-dimensional investigation of the Early Prehistoric deposits of Fumane Cave (Verona, Italy) |
2015 | M.S. Thesis supervision and scientific counseling. Master Degree program in quaternary, prehistory and archaeology. University of Ferrara (Italy). Title: New, direct and indirect insight on the ”terramare” archaeological site of Pilastri (Bondeno, Ferrara, Italy) (In Italian). |
2011 | M.S. Thesis supervision and scientific counseling. Bachelor Degree program in technologies for cultural heritage, University of Ferrara (Italy). Title: Electric resistivity tomography on the left wall of the 1500 c.a. Cloister of the historical cemetery of Bologna (In Italian). |
2011 | M.S. Thesis supervision and scientific counseling. Bachelor Degree program in technologies for cultural heritage, University of Ferrara (Italy). Title: Acoustic and GPR investigations on the left wall of the 1500 c.a. Cloister of the historical cemetery of Bologna (In Italian). |
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2020 | Invited doctoral committee member. University of Kiel (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel), Kiel, Germany. October 5, 2020 |
2012-2015 | Representative of research fellows in the department council. University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Science. |
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Conferences and Workshops Organization | |
2021 | Committee member of the 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics in Computer-Aided Diagnosis (AIRCAD 2022), held in conjunction with the with the 21st International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP). In program for May 2022, Lecce, Italy." (AGU) |
2019 | Fall Meeting Program Committee member for the “American Geophysical Union" (AGU) |
Fall Meeting 2019 e AGU’s Centennial”, December 9-13, 2019. San Francisco, California (USA). | |
Reviewer Activity | |
IEEE - Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | |
AGU/WILEY - Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth | |
SSA - Seismological Research Letters | |
SPRINGER NATURE- Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering | |
SPRINGER NATURE - Surveys in Geophysics | |
WILEY - Near Surface Geophysics | |
ELSEVIER - Journal of Applied Geophysics | |
ELSEVIER - Engineering Geology | |
MDPI - Geosciences | |
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS - Journal of Geophysics and Engineering | |
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS - Geophysical Journal International | |
IOP - Measurement Science and Technology | |
ELSEVIER - Transportation Geotechnics | |
UNAL - Earth Sciences Research Journal | |
SAGE - The Holocene | |
ELSEVIER - Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports | |
ELSEVIER - EbioMedicine |